
Best Friends Quotes (Move On Quotes) 0047

Best Friends Quotes (Move On Quotes) 0047

“Making others happy, through kindness of speech and sincerity of right advice, is a sign of true greatness. To hurt another soul by sarcastic words, looks, or suggestions, is despicable.” 
Paramahansa Yogananda, Where There is Light: Insight and Inspiration for Meeting Life's Challenges

“And what, incidentally, do you think integrity is? The ability not to pick a watch out of your neighbor's pocket? No, it's not as easy as that. If that were all, I'd say ninety-five percent of humanity were honest, upright men. Only, as you can see, they aren't. Integrity is the ability to stand by an idea.” 
Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

“Faith is accepting what makes no sense, what we cannot prove, but know down deep in our souls is real.” 
Megan McCafferty, Bumped

Best Friends Quotes (Move On Quotes)

Below are some Best Friends Quotes (Move On Quotes), hopefully it can be your inspiration.

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