
Wise Quotes (Move On Quotes) 0064

Wise Quotes (Move On Quotes) 0064

“Remember your humanity, and forget the rest.” 
Bertrand Russell

“A person doesn't have to change who he is to become better.” 
Sidney Poitier, The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography

“For a hundred years or more the world, our world, has been dying. And not one man, in these last hundred years or so, has been crazy enough to put a bomb up the asshole of creation and set it off. The world is rotting away, dying piecemeal. But it needs the coup de grace, it needs to be blown to smithereens. Not one of us is intact, and yet we have in us all the continents and the seas between the continents and the birds of the air. We are going to put it down ― the evolution of this world which has died but which has not been buried.” 
Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer

“Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate. ”
Albert Schweitzer

Wise Quotes (Move On Quotes)

Below are some Wise Quotes (Move On Quotes), hopefully it can be your inspiration.

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